Create a table EmpDtl1 with some duplicate rows as shown below to to understand different methods of delete duplicate rows
create table EmpDup(empid int,name varchar(20))
insert into EmpDup values(1,'Andy')
insert into EmpDup values (1,'Andy')
insert into EmpDup values(2,'Bill')
insert into EmpDup values(2,'Bill')
insert into EmpDup values (2,'Bill')
insert into EmpDup values (3,'Chris')
User Name "Andy" repeated 2 times and User Name "Bill" repeated 3 times Following are the different methods for deleting duplicate rows
Method 1:
Insert the distinct rows from the duplicate rows table to new temporary table.
Delete data from table which has duplicate rows then insert the distinct rows from the temporary table as shown below.
select distinct * into #tmp From EmpDup
delete from EmpDup
insert into EmpDup
select * from #tmp drop table #tmp
Method 2:If you want to consider only few columns in a table for duplication criteria to delete rows then Method 1 will not work(in our example, EMDup table has more than 2 columns and delete rows if empid and name repeats more than one time).
Add a identity column as a serial number that acts as a row unique identier(auto incremental ascending order).
Then get the Rank against each empid,name. If Rank is greater than 1 means it's a duplicated row and delete the same. After deleting the duplicated rows then remove the identity column which is used for rank..
alter table EmpDup add sno int identity(1,1)
delete E
from EmpDup E
inner join
(select *,
RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY empid,name ORDER BY sno DESC )rank
From EmpDup )T on E.sno=t.sno
where T.Rank>1
alter table EmpDup
drop column sno
If you feel this query is little difficult to understand then use following same query but in different way :)alter table EmpDup add sno int identity(1,1)
delete from EmpDup where sno in
select sno from (
select *,
RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY empid,name ORDER BY sno DESC )rank
From EmpDup
where rank>1
alter table EmpDup
drop column sno
If your sql server version is below SQL2005 then above queries(above 2 queries in Method2) won't work since Rank() command is not available in SQL 2000 and below version.If your sql server version is below SQL2005 then use below query. Same logic to get the rank but without using the Rank() command :)
alter table EmpDup add sno int identity(1,1)
delete from EmpDup where sno in
select sno from EmpDup D where
1<(select count(*) from EmpDup A where A.empid=D.empid and and D.sno>=A.sno)
alter table EmpDup
drop column sno
Method 3: Using "Delete Top( )" clause:
If you want to delete duplicate rows for a pirticular empid then use "Top()" command in delete query as shown below
delete top(2) From EmpDup where empid=2
OR:delete top(select count(*)-1 From EmpDup x where x.empid=2) From EmpDup where empid=2
Method 4:If you want to delete all the rows if the selected columns repeated more than 1 time then use following query,
Query to delete these 3 duplicated rows or repeated more than 1 time,
delete from EmpDup where
EmpID in(select EmpID from EmpDup group by EmpId having count(*) >1)