Using SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) to Create Data Tables and Other Database Objects

Using the CREATE TABLE Statement to Create Tables

Tables are the primary structures used to hold data in a relational database. In a typical multi-user environment, the database administrator (dba) creates the tables that serve as the data stores for the organization's data. Users normally create their own temporary tables used to store data extracted from the main organizational tables.
For example, the dba would create the CUSTOMER and ORDERS tables to hold a permanent record of all of the company's customers and their orders. If you then need to produce several reports for a particular quarter, you would create a temporary table to hold a portion of the company's data. By extracting a portion of the overall table into a temporary table, you have to do the data selection only once, and you can use the results of the selection for multiple reports such as quarter-to-quarter comparisons, a list of the top customers based on amount purchased, or a summary of items sold during the period.
Whether you are creating permanent or temporary tables, you use the same SQL CREATE TABLE statement. The syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement is:
 CREATE TABLE <table name>
  (<column definition> [,...<last column definition]
    [<primary key definition>]
    [<foreign key definition>])
 <column definition> is defined as:
    <column name> <data-type> [DEFAULT <value>]
    [NOT NULL] [UNIQUE] [<check constraint definition>]
 <check constraint definition> is defined as:
    CHECK (<search condition>)
 <primary key definition> is defined as:
    PRIMARY KEY (<column name> [, <column name>])
 <foreign key definition> is defined as:
    FOREIGN KEY (<column name>) REFERENCES <table name>

table name
The name of the table—must be unique by owner within a database. (See Tip 9, "Understanding Table Names.")
column name
The name of a column—must be unique within the table.
One of the SQL data types (see Tips 21–26) or a named domain (see Tip 14, "Understanding Domains").
DEFAULT <value>
Value assigned to a column if you create a row and do not give the column an explicit initial value. (See Tip 51, "Using the DEFAULT Clause in a CREATE TABLE Statement to Set Default Column Values.")
Constraint to prevent the assignment of a NULL value to a column. (See Tip 191, "Using the NOT NULL Column Constraint to Prevent Null Values in a Column.")
Constraint that prevents adding two table rows with the same value in the unique column. (See Tip 192, "Using the UNIQUE Column Constraint to Prevent Duplicate Values in a Column.")
CHECK <search condition>
The search condition can be any SQL statement that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE. The check constraint prevents adding rows to a table where the search condition evaluates to FALSE. (See Tip 193, "Using the CHECK Constraint to Validate a Column's Value.")
Constraint that prevents adding two table rows with the same value in the column or set of columns. A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY. The PRIMARY KEY is column (or set of columns) that can be referenced as a FOREIGN KEY in another table. (See Tip 172, "Using the PRIMARY KEY Column Constraint to Uniquely Identify Rows in a Table.")
Column whose value can be found as the PRIMARY KEY in table specified by REFERENCES <table name>. (See Tip 174, "Understanding Referential Data Integrity Checks and Foreign Keys.")
For example, if you execute the CREATE TABLE statements
 CREATE TABLE item_master
   (item_number INTEGER,
    description VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL
    PRIMARY KEY (item_number))
   (order_number    INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    item_number     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    quantity        SMALLINT DEFAULT 1,
    item_cost       DECIMAL (5, 2),
    customer_number INTEGER
    PRIMARY KEY (order_number, item_number)
    FOREIGN KEY (item_number) REFERENCES item_master)
the DBMS will create two tables, ITEM_MASTER and ORDERS. The ITEM_MASTER table has two columns, DESCRIPTION and ITEM_NUMBER. The ITEM_NUMBER is the PRIMARY KEY for the ITEM_MASTER table, meaning that each item (row) in the table will have a unique ITEM_NUMBER. Put another way, no two item descriptions will have the same item number.

The second table, ORDERS, has five columns. The PRIMARY KEY of the ORDERS table is a composite key, meaning that it is made up of two or more columns. In the current example, the PRIMARY KEY for ORDERS consists of the ORDER_NUMBER and ITEM_NUM-BER columns, meaning that the same ORDER_NUMBER (like 123, for example) may appear in several rows of the table, but each row for the same ORDER_NUMBER will have a unique ORDER_NUMBER-ITEM_NUMBER pair.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint in the ORDERS table tells the DBMS that the value in the ITEM_NUMBER column in the ORDERS table REFERENCES the PRIMARY KEY in the ITEM_MASTER table. Thus, the DBMS can take the value in the ITEM_NUMBER column and uniquely identify a single row in the ITEM_MASTER table. Moreover, the DBMS will not allow you to add a row to the ORDERS table if the ITEM_NUMBER value in the row to be inserted does not exist in the ITEM_MASTER table. Conversely, you will not be able to delete a row in the ITEM_MASTER file if its ITEM_NUMBER value exists as an ITEM_NUMBER in the ORDERS table. (You will learn more about the FOREIGN KEY constraint )
From its syntax and the examples in this tip, you can see that the CREATE TABLE statement lets you define database tables. When creating a table, you give the names of the columns and the data type of each column, and specify any constraints as to the data values the columns can hold. Moreover, you can identify one of the columns or a set of columns as the PRIMARY KEY for the table, meaning that each row in the table has a unique value in the column (or set of columns) that make up the PRIMARY KEY. Finally, you can use the FOREIGN KEY constraint to identify parent/child relationships between tables. In the current example, ORDERS is the child of the ITEM_MASTER parent.